Euromobil Milan Artistic Lighting Installers

Project involved designing and making custom LED light source for illumination of irregular blown glass designs. Made in UK, installed in Italy all within 2 weeks.

Additional Information

Project involved designing and making custom LED light source for illumination of irregular blown glass designs. Made in UK, installed in Italy all within 2 weeks. More technical details to follow. Concept by Christopher Jenner, below.


Urbem: Latin for City

An 8-piece collection of lighting inspired by 19th century Milanese street lights. The late 19th century was a uniquely transformative time for Italian craft and design. An era of glorious collaboration where traditional techniques met technological challenges head on. The result: the many iconic designs we love today. Urbem is informed by the values of this era yet is fundamentally an expression of our present. Ambitious, organic, crafted.

The Cloud

Is an analogy for change. Italy is at a 21st century junction. Profound global and technological changes are challenging it’s sense of identity. Deeply connected with their heritage, Italians and Italian design must look back from within. Reviving the peerless creativity of their past is  a pathway to answering in their future. The Cloud is a simulated electric storm, a meditation on the restless drive of change. It hails a return to ambitious craft and the globally cherished notion of Italian creativity.


